My Ivory Tower

My name is Karin Huxman and I write romance for New Concepts Publishing. You can find my author page at I write a mix of time travel, contemporary, paranormal, and sf/fantasy and love every minute of it.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Contest nominees

Several of my RomVets friends have recently finaled in the RITA awards, for excellence in Romance Fiction given by RWA, recently. I thought we'd list "why read an award nominee?" Here are a few reasons:

1. It's been nominated for this cool award, read it!

2. This book has been peer reviewed, no one is harsher than a peer. Read it!

3. This author has written an awesome book that a panel of judges has given high marks to. Read it!

4. Romance authors rock. These are the cream of the crop. Read these books!

5. As a military veteran who also writes romances novels, I know that these authors write about heroic women who understand sacrifice and who find heroes who appreciates her. Read these books!

Yes, for those of you who don't know, I was in the Air Force for a few years. I served as a communications officer until I opted for the higher calling of motherhood. :) I wouldn't trade those years of service to my country for anything. Go ahead and Google RomVets. You'll find a neat web page with information on authors who have also served our country with honor and also write awesome romance novels.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Deviant Art

Thanks to everyone who left comments. Romance novels touch us in ways both universal and personal and it's always a neat revelation to me.

Several people commented on my ivory tower graphic. It was created by my very talented daughter, Kristin. She's a senior in college studying art. I asked her to create a graphic for me to use on my website and I think she did a super job. You can view more of her work online at . If you leave a comment, just tell her that Mom sent you. :) She'll be making her living as an artist, when she graduates in May, so if you'd like a cool graphic for your website just let me know and we'll find a way to pass your contact information to her in a private way.

It's been snowing all day here in beautiful Colorado and looks to keep it up over night. I know it will be spring soon, I just know it!

Thursday, March 13, 2008

It must be mid March. I saw the first robins of the year while walking the dog around the block, two all puffed up against the cold. Don't know why they're here yet, it snowed last night. Then I saw some gorgeous yellow crocuses peeping through in a neighbor's garden. Made me rush home to see if I had anything similar coming up in mine. Alas, nothing yet.

I've been told that Thursday is "list" day on blogs. That's as yet unsubstantiated but I thought a list would be a good thing to start today. Feel free to add to it in the comments section.

Okay, 5 Reasons to Read Romance Novels:
1. Romance writers create the best characters. People inhabit the pages of these novels who have hopes and dreams and flaws, they are real and you are on their side.
2. You know that though the hero and heroine are arguing on page twenty, that they'll have made up and fallen in love by the end. It's how they get from here to there that keeps you turning the pages.
3. Well written stories written in exotic locales can sweep you away from whatever doldrums you're currently stuck in.
4. You can get fantasy, sf, urban legends, werewolves, vampires, cowboys, you name it in a romance novel.
5. Romance novels are hopeful, they celebrate the power of love and don't let you down.

There are 5 just off the top of my head. Why do you read romance novels?

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

3/12/08 This is a writing post but not about my romance novels. I also write for children as K.D. Huxman and received my first award for a published book over the weekend. Grizzelda Gorilla won an EPPIE award for best Children's/YA ebook. Yep, ebooks get nice awards, too and I was just tickled to bring this one home with me. You can find my children's books at .

I'll be blogging about romance writing and writing in general starting tomorrow. Just wanted to get this news posted.