My Ivory Tower

My name is Karin Huxman and I write romance for New Concepts Publishing. You can find my author page at I write a mix of time travel, contemporary, paranormal, and sf/fantasy and love every minute of it.

Monday, March 16, 2009

New directions

It's almost spring and it seems like a good time to try something new. I have been given an opportunity to work on children's non fiction, quite a change for me. But my MFA is in writing for children and I really needed to feel like I'm producing, so when the chance came, I took it.

Not just non fiction, though, biography. A little intimidating but I'm enjoying the research, the putting words on the page, the editing down my original to read well on a 4/5 grade reading level. It's a challenge that came my way almost by accident (thanks Joyce and Muriel) and made me realize the power of networking.

I've also taken a chance with poetry this spring. The Poet Laureate of the Pikes Peak region sent out a call for poems about Colorado, and the Front Range in particular, for a booklet/series that will be made available for free in public places. Places like bus stops, doctors offices, you name it. I loved the idea of making poetry accessible so I sent in four poems. One of them was chosen so now I'll get to read my words on the radio and have them printed for all to see. Very exciting.

So I guess I'm celebrating the season by taking some chances and trying something new. How about you?